1000 YARD RANGE      
MCSA is in the process of getting a new website. Some of the features of this website are not working as they should, such as the calendar. So if you click the "schedule of events" below you will see the upcoming. When you click the "schedule of events" to the left in the tabs it will take you to the calendar. Here you will find things like "members week", "groundhog shoots" and range closures during hunting season. So please Bear🐻 with us till we get our new website up and running. 
Welcome to the Mifflin County Sportsmen's Association website. Please take some time to check out our upcoming events and activities. We hope to see you soon at the club.
Mifflin County Sportsmen's Association features One Rifle Range with a 1000-yard Lane and a 500-yard Lane. Backer Boards are furnished at 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500, 600 and 1000 yards on the 1000-yard lane and at
25, 50, 100, 200, 300 and 500 yards on the 500-yard lane. Steel, in various states of repair, is set up at various
yardages from 200 to 1000 yards on the 1000-yard lane. There is a separate Auxiliary Range that goes out to 200 yards. We have a designated shotgun range as shotguns are not allowed on the Rifle Range. There is a 30 x 50-yard Pistol Range. There is a wide-open field that Members are able to use for Trap throwing. The Club also
features a walking Archery Trail and a 50 yard straight shot Archery set up. There is approximately 350 acres available for hunting, trapping or hiking purposes. In order to become a Member of MCSA it is required that
you read all rules, regulations and by-laws and make yourself familiar with such and sign an application stating
that you agree to follow said rules.


For Membership information, please click here.
Club Policy: We Do Not Accept Credit Cards.  You must have a Check, Money Order or Correct cash when applying.