Section 1.01 Name. This organization shall be known as the Mifflin County Sportsmen’s Association, Inc. Initials: MCSA
Section 1.02 Purposes. The purpose for which this association is organized is to: properly manage all wildlife and its habitat on Association property or property under its control; promote and pursue better hunting, trapping and fishing opportunities for sportsmen; promote and maintain friendly relations with neighboring landowners (when possible) and sportsmen; promote respect for and observation of the state, national and international wildlife and conservation laws; provide facilities for and promote all aspects of the shooting sports for Association members; promote other local, state, national and international sportsmen and shooting organizations; lease, purchase and own land and buildings and make changes to such lands and buildings which will support the activities of its members; acquire and hold personal property to be used in the furtherance of the purposes of the Association. See “Section 8.18” below.
Section 2.01 Executive Officers and Directors.
(a). The six (6) Executive Officers shall consist of a President, First and Second Vice-Presidents, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Member Secretary.
(b). There shall be three (3) elected Directors.
(c). The Board of Directors shall consist of the six (6) Executive Officers and the three (3) Directors.
(d). An Officer or Director shall not be personally liable for monetary damages for any action taken unless the Officer or Director has breached or failed to perform the legal duties of his/her office and the breech or failure to perform constitutes self-dealing, willful misconduct or recklessness.
Section 2.02 Terms of Office.
(a). Terms of office for the six (6) Executive Officers shall be for one (1) year, except as set forth in "Section 2.06" below.
(b). Terms of office for the newly elected Director shall be for three (3) years, the previously elected Director’s term will now be reduced to two (2) years and the Director preceding them will be reduced to one (1) year and will be replaced the following year.
Section 2.03 Eligibility. Any Member of the Association shall eligible to be nominated, elected and or appointed as an Officer, delegate, alternate, committee or facility chairperson of the Association provided that: He or she is a member in good standing at the time of the nomination, election or appointment and has attended at least one (1) meeting, in its entirety, in each of the three-quarters of the calendar year immediately preceding such nomination, election or appointment. See “ARTICLE III DUTIES OF OFFICERS”, “Section 3.01 - 3.06" below.
Section 2.04 Nominations. Nominations for the six (6) Executive Officers and one (1) Director shall be made at the regular monthly Membership meeting on the first Thursday in October. Nominations may be made, from the floor, by any Member of the Association in good standing, provided however, that the nominations must be limited to those Members present at the meeting. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Member who meets the qualifications of "Section 2.03" listed above and who is unable to be present for the nomination, has filed with the recording secretary a written statement that the nomination is being made with his or her knowledge and consent, or where such statement in writing is filed at the time of the candidate’s nominations. See “Section 9.25” Pertaining to written correspondence.
Section 2.05 Election of Officers.
(a). The President shall appoint three (3) tellers to preside over the casting of the ballots, to serve during the election and to receive and count the votes.
(b). The six (6) Executive Officers and one (1) Director shall be elected at the regular monthly membership meeting on the first Thursday in November and shall take office January 1 following their election. The election shall be done by printed ballot and voting must be done in person.
(c). Three (3) delegates and two (2) alternates shall be elected annually along with the other officers on the first Thursday in November to represent the Association at any such convention or any association of which the Association may be a member.
Section 2.06 Vacancies.
(a). In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, either by death, resignation, or removal, or for any other cause, the First Vice-President shall assume charge and exercise the duties of that office until the next annual election.
(b). In the event of a vacancy in the office of Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, or Director(s), either by death, resignation, or removal for any other cause, the President shall immediately convene the Board of Directors who shall, by majority vote, elect a successor(s) to fill the unexpired term(s). See “Section 2.03” above.
(c). If and when the office of Treasurer becomes vacant, the President shall immediately cause his or her books and accounts to be audited and transfer of all funds and properties to his successor, upon approval of the Board of Directors. See “Section 2” above.
(d). The office(s) of President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, or Membership Secretary and directors may be declared vacant at the first meeting after the Officer(s) has missed three (3) consecutive regular, board or special board meetings combined. The office(s) will be declared vacant by a two-thirds vote of those present at the meeting, provided however, that the absences were not were not the result of illness or any other good and sufficient reason. It shall be the responsibility of the President or officer in charge to inform the Officer(s) affected, in writing, within seven (7) working days of the vote. See “Section 2.06 (b)” and “Section 2.06(c)” above. See “ARTICLE V MEETINGS” below.
Section 3.01 President. It shall be the duty of the President to preside and to maintain order at all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors, and to perform such other duties as ordinarily may pertain to the office. He shall have power to call meetings of the Board of Directors whenever he deems such meetings necessary. Upon written request of the majority of the members of the Board of Directors, he shall also call within two weeks a special meeting of the Board of Directors as requested. He shall see that all of the Board of Directors receive a current copy of the By-laws of the Mifflin County Sportsmen’s Association, Inc. The President or officer in charge may only vote on a motion to break a tie vote. The President or officer in charge, after he or she feels there has been sufficient time allotted for discussion of a subject, may NOT bring a motion to the floor but may call for a motion on the subject, table the subject until a later date, form a committee to further investigate the subject or remand the subject to the Board of Directors for their consideration.
Section 3.02 Vice-President. It shall be the duty of the Vice-Presidents to assist the President in the performance of his duties when called upon to do so. In the absence of the President, the First Vice-President, and if he also is absent the second Vice-President shall preside at the meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors. They shall perform such other duties as may be assigned them by the Board of Directors. The First Vice-President and two others who shall be appointed by the President shall be responsible for the “Operations Checking Account”.
Section 3.03 Recording Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to conduct all correspondence of the Association and to supervise the recording of all minutes of the meetings of the Association and Board of Directors and to keep accurate records in permanent form of such meetings. He or she shall enlist and receive the assistance of all officers and members of the Association in the production and distribution of a “Newsletter/Ballot”, schedule of events, etc. Also, he or she shall keep a record of attendance to the regular, Board of Directors and special meetings. A record of attendance shall be submitted to the Recording Secretary by all of the committee and facility chairpersons as necessary.
Section 3.04 Treasurers. There shall be two Treasurers. One is the elected Treasurer and the other is the First Vice-President. See “ARTICLE IV CHECKING ACCOUNTS” below. A report of all activities concerning the checking accounts shall be given at each regular monthly membership meeting.
Section 3.05 Membership Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Membership Secretary to be responsible for the ordering, distribution and collection of all memberships and their fees. Also, the transfer of these fees to the Treasurer and of the keeping of an accurate and permanent record of all Members. A report of all activities concerning the memberships shall be given at each regular monthly Membership meeting.
Section 3.06 Board of Directors. The duties of the Board of Directors shall be to conduct all emergency business and matters relating to the Association between regular meetings and set an agenda for the next regular monthly meeting. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to meet at the call of the President who shall give 24 hours notice. Five members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at any Board of Directors meetings. “Section 8.16”.,
Section 3.07 Conflict of Interest of Board of Directors. All members of the Board of Directors are required to comply with the Association’s Conflict of Interest Policy at all times. All members of the Board of Directors who have (i) an ownership interest in, (ii) a compensation agreement with, (iii) or serve as a volunteer aide for an entity with which the Association has a transaction or arrangement for the renting of Mifflin County Sportsmen's Association, Inc. premises for any reasons other than club sponsored or club hosted shoots, shall be considered to have a conflict of interest in regard to a specific entity. All members of the Board of Directors who have family members that engage in any activity described in the preceding sentence shall also be considered to have a conflict of interest. Any member of the Board of Directors who has a conflict of interest shall not participate in any voting by the Board of Directors regarding the renting of the ranges, scheduling of renting of the ranges, charges relating to renting of the ranges or any matters relating to the renting of the ranges specifically in regard to any particular entity with which the Board member may be affiliated. Likewise, any general member who has any affiliation as described above with any organization shall not participate in any voting done regarding the renting of the ranges, scheduling of renting of the ranges, charges relating to renting of the ranges, or any other matters relating to the renting of the ranges.
Section 4.01 Operations Checking Account. The First Vice-President and two other members, who are appointed by the President, shall handle this account. This account will be used to pay for all operating expenses of the Association. Operating expenditures being electricity for the Association, kitchen and connected out-buildings, heating fuel for the clubhouse, telephone, property taxes, garbage, executive office supplies, insurances and any extraneous expenditures authorized by the Board of Directors. Monies coming into this account will be from the sale of Memberships.
Section 4.02 Capital Checking Account. The Treasurer and two other members, who are appointed by the President, shall handle this account. This account will be used to pay all expenditures not listed under the “Operations Checking Account”. All monies not related to sales of Memberships will go into this account.
Section 4.03 Account Limit and Signatures. There is no limit to the number of checking or savings accounts that Association may own and operate. No one person may be on more than a single account at the same time. Each check or withdrawal that is written for any account will have two authorized signatures. The bank(s) will be instructed to honor only those checks or withdrawals which have two authorized signatures.
Section 4.04 Electronic/Digital Money Access. M.C.S.A. will establish a minimum of 1 (One) account that does not require 2 (Two) signatures for the express purpose of maintaining a debit card(s), credit card, or other form of electronic money access for the purpose of purchasing goods or services for the club. This account is separate from all other accounts and is restricted so that money will only be added by Board approval. Money may be added from any account deemed appropriate by the Board. This account will support multiple cards available for the Board of the Club to use, and anyone that Board assigns a card to on a temporary basis. All purchases will be reviewed with a monthly record of receipts.
Section 5.01 Time and Location. The Mifflin County Sportsmen’s Association, Inc. shall convene in regular meeting on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 P.M. The meetings are to be held at the clubhouse, unless otherwise stipulated.
Section 5.02 Quorum. There must be a quorum present to officially have a meeting; a quorum shall consist of seven Members, including the presiding Officer and any such other Officers as may be present.
Section 5.03 Motion Passage. A motion may be carried by a vote of a majority of the Board of Directors present provided a quorum is present at a meeting. A motion from the floor not supported by a majority of the Board of Directors present at the meeting may be brought back for a vote at the next meeting and may be passed without the support of the Board of Directors provided a minimum of 75 members casting a ballot, IN PERSON, in support of the motion.
Section 6.01 General. The Membership shall consist of those persons who have paid the specified dues for the current Membership year or are eligible for a complimentary Membership.
(a). Adult Membership shall be for those persons aged 18 and older.
(b). Family Membership shall be for those persons aged 18 and older that have a spouse and or children up to and including the age of 18, living at home for whom he/she is legally responsible per tax return. (No children over the age of 21 or grandchildren.) Also included shall be those children of the Membership holder and his/her spouse up to and including 21 years of age that are attending, full time, any accredited institution of higher learning. With a “Family Membership” only the membership holder has the right to vote on club issues. (One vote per Membership, “Family or Single”)
(c). Senior Membership shall be offered for those reaching the age of 65 or older in the Membership calendar year priced at not to exceed more than one half the price of a regular annual Membership. Upgrade to include a spouse is available at a minimal cost.
Section 6.02 Age. Those persons under age 18 do not need a Membership but must be accompanied by a person holding a valid Adult Membership at all times. The adult Member shall be responsible for the actions and safety of all under aged person under their care while on Association property. An adult Member is anyone 18 years of age or older.
Section 6.03 Military Members. Active-duty military personnel shall be granted a Membership at no cost for any year that they are on active duty, which shall be valid until January 1 of the year following their release from active duty. Upgrade to include Family is available to active military members at a minimal cost. Proof of active military status is required.
Section 6.04 Disabled Military Members. Disabled Veterans (DAV) will be awarded a Membership at no charge upon showing that they are 50% or more disabled. This information is kept private. Qualifying DAV rating form must be shown each year for a complimentary Membership. DAV Memberships must be applied for in person at a regular monthly meeting or by sending your information into the Membership Secretary along with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Upgrade to include Family is available to Disabled Veterans Members at a minimal cost.
Section 6.05 Special Events. A Membership will not be needed when grounds are declared open to the public for any special event, however a fee may be charged to enter or participate in order to cover the cost of that event.
Section 6.06 Compliance Agreement. When anyone purchases, is given or otherwise LEGALLY secures a Membership, spectator or is attending an event of this Association, they agree to abide by all of the rules and regulations posted or otherwise set forth in the “By-laws” of this Association, the Pennsylvania Game Commission, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and all other local, state, and national laws, regulations, and ordinances.
Section 6.07 Discretionary Application Review. The Board of Directors of Mifflin County Sportsmen's Association, Inc. has the right to accept or reject any application as it deems necessary. Mifflin County Sportsmen's Association, Inc. also has the right to withdraw any yearly or life membership for any reasons determined to be detrimental to the club. These actions must be done by a majority vote of the Mifflin County Sportsmen's Association, Inc. Board of Directors.
Section 6.08 Conflict of Interest of Member. All members are required to comply with the Association’s Conflict of Interest Policy at all times. "Section 3.07"
Section 7.01 Annually Set Dues. The dues for carrying on the business of the Association shall be set annually according to the current needs.
Section 7.02 Calendar Year of Dues. Dues paid will be valid from January 1 thru December 31 of the specified calendar year.
Section 8.01 Facilities. The following shall be known as the Association facilities: Archery Range, Club House, Fish/Pond/Streams, Five Stand, Grounds/Buildings/Equipment, Handgun Range, Kitchen, Shotgun Range, Rifle Range, Trap Range and Auxiliary Range.
Section 8.02 Committees. The following will be known as the Association committees; Archery, Indoor Archery, Auditing, By-laws, Dues, Five Stand, Game/Feed, Grants/Aid, Grounds/Buildings/Equipment, Pistol Shoots, Kitchen/Auxiliary, Land, Range Rules, Resolutions, Rifle Range, Groundhog Shoots, Trap Shoots, and Work Parties.
Section 8.03 Chairperson Appointment/Removal. The President shall appoint or remove, if necessary, the Chairperson(s) and Members of the standing committees and facilities.
Section 8.04 Committee Addition/Removal. The Board of Directors may add or delete any of the committees as necessary. The facilities shall remain intact and may only be changed by a majority vote of the Membership.
Section 8.05 Chairperson’s Schedule. It shall be the responsibility of the chairperson(s) in charge of a committee to hand in a yearly schedule of events to the Recording Secretary no later than the 15th of February each year.
Section 8.06 Chairperson Committees. The Chairperson(s) for the following committees, Archery, Five Stand, Grounds/Buildings/Equipment, Kitchen/Auxiliary, Pistol Shoots, Rifle/Groundhog shoots, Trap Shoots, and Work Parties, will have a cash box with a set amount of cash on hand to enable the committee to purchase supplies to maintain the facility and to purchase needed items for having their respective events. It shall be the responsibility of the Chairperson(s) in charge of a committee/facility or event to keep financial records of each event, (receipts of expenses for that event, receipts of expenses for food sales for that event, receipts of any other expenses for the facility, a record of income from entry fees, from the event, a record of income from food sales from the event and a record of any other income from the facility) and a monthly financial report along with an attendances record of each event is to be handed in at each monthly Membership meeting.
Section 8.07 Auditing. The auditing committee shall be required to audit the Capital Checking account, the Operating Checking account as well as the cashboxes of all the committee Chairpersons on a rotating quarterly basis unless otherwise specified by the Board of Directors or the audit committee. They shall submit a written report of such audits at the next monthly regular meeting of the Association. They may with the consent of the Board of Directors, engage the services of an expert accountant to assist in these audits.
Section 8.08 By-laws. The Chairperson(s) of this committee shall recommend updates to the “By-laws” of this Association as deemed necessary. Any/all changes or updates to the "By-Laws" of the association must be posted for 30 days and voted on by the Membership before being added/changed. Copies of the “By-laws” are available via the Club website (www.mifflincosportsmens.com)
Section 8.09 Recommendation of Dues. The Chairperson(s) of this committee shall work directly with all Officers and fellow Chairpersons. At the regular monthly meeting in September of each year he or she will recommend to the Board of Directors the amount of “dues” for the upcoming Membership year.
Section 8.10 Fish/Ponds/Streams. The Chairperson(s) of this committee shall maintain the ponds and streams as necessary to promote habitat for the well-being of the aquatic life and to have open the large pond for fishing for the youngsters up to and including 12 years of age. They, along with the Board of Directors, shall set all rules and regulations governing the ponds and streams on Association property. They shall keep the Membership up-to-date with the happenings, rules and regulations of the PA Fish and Boat Commission.
Section 8.11 Game/Feed. The Chairperson(s) of this committee shall maintain a good working relationship with our neighboring agricultural landowners whenever possible. They shall help monitor the wildlife and habitat on Association property, maintain feeders, feed holding area(s), food plots and purchase and distribute feed for the wildlife when necessary. They shall keep the Membership up-to-date with the current news, happenings, rules and regulations of the PA Game Commission.
Section 8.12 Grants/Aid. The Chairperson(s) of this committee shall continually check for monies or support, which our Association can use, from all local, state, and federal organizations or agencies. They shall present all information to the Board of Directors or at a regular monthly meeting. If necessary, they will be assisted in filling out any and all paperwork.
Section 8.13 Grounds/Building/Equipment. The Chairperson(s) of this committee shall maintain all roads, lanes etc. belonging to or used by the Association. Also coordinate all cutting and trimming of grass, lawns etc. They shall help maintain all buildings, equipment and food plots of the Association.
Section 8.14 Kitchen. The Chairperson(s) of this committee shall coordinate with all other Chairpersons in order to give as much support as possible in the purchase, preparation and distribution of food for events. If they so desire, they may schedule special events and receive support from the other Chairpersons, Members and outside interests.
Section 8.15 Land. The Chairperson(s) of this committee shall maintain a good working relationship with all of our neighboring landowners (whenever possible) and be ever watchful for the prospect of more land for the Association. They shall report to the Board of Directors and at regular monthly meetings. All records necessary will be maintained.
Section 8.16 Resolutions. The Board of Directors shall be the resolutions committee and shall meet prior to any regular meeting to consider all amendments to the "By-Laws", and to consider all resolutions. Resolutions to be considered by the Board of Directors shall be submitted to the Recording Secretary in writing at least ten days in advance of the next meeting for submission to the Board of Directors by the Recording Secretary. All resolutions shall be typewritten, double-spaced, and presented on sheets of paper.
Section 8.17 Work Parties. The Chairperson(s) of this committee shall aid all other committees and facilities of this Association in accomplishing their respective tasks, when necessary, by scheduling work parties.
Section 8.18 Lands and Property. Land, which is owned by the Association, shall not be sold or given to anyone except as directed by a court of law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if for any reason the Association shall cease to exist, all lands and permanent buildings owned by the Association shall be given, in whole, to the Pennsylvania Game Commission to be used as “State Game Lands” and the purposes set forth by such Commission. All other property owned by the Association shall be sold and all monies held after all debts are satisfied shall be given, in whole, to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission to be used to update and maintain Commission facilities within Mifflin County. No monies, property, land etc. shall be distributed to any Member, past or present.
Section 9.01 Keys. All Officers, committee and facility Chairperson(s) of the Association are each to have a key to the clubhouse and any other locks as necessary. Keys shall be surrendered upon completion of term of office.
Section 9.02 Key Permission. The President may at his discretion, give a key to any member of the Association for the purpose of obtaining tools or doing repairs for the Association.
Section 9.03 Clubhouse Reservation and Rules. Any individual Member or group as authorized by the Board of Directors may reserve the clubhouse for a period of time. All rules and regulations of the Association must be adhered to at all times. Any fees for use of the clubhouse shall be set by the Membership and collected at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Those persons using the clubhouse and its contents shall be expected to use reasonable care of the same. Briefly, “Leave the place in as good, or a little better, shape than you found it.”
Section 9.04 Alcohol. The Association shall not offer for sale or otherwise dispense any form of alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages may not be stored in any of the buildings owned by the Association. However, Members and their guests may possess and consume alcoholic beverages provided it is done discretely. This may be done only in the clubhouse or in the immediate area of the clubhouse and must be removed from Association property by the person or persons who brought them. Persons who bring, possess, dispense, or consume alcoholic beverages etc. are totally responsible to follow the laws pertaining to alcoholic beverages of this Commonwealth and Nation. Any time there is a scheduled meeting of the Association, alcoholic beverage is prohibited in the area of the clubhouse as described above. Alcoholic beverages are strictly forbidden on all ranges and their parking areas. No consumption of alcohol is permitted prior to participating in any shooting activities, including, but not limited to, rifle shooting, shotgun shooting, pistol shooting, and archery shooting. Anyone who is under the influence of an alcoholic beverage is not permitted on any range or to hunt on Association property at any time. Illegal drugs and any one under the influence of illegal drugs or substances are strictly forbidden to be on Association property at any time. (GLASS BOTTLES OR CONTAINERS ARE PROHIBITED)
Section 9.05 Gate and Vehicular Use. The gate shall be closed and locked upon entry or exit, unless posted otherwise. Only licensed motor vehicles are permitted on Association property unless specifically authorized by the Board of Directors. Do not drive beyond the last target board on the rifle range. These roads are only to be used for the purpose of posting and checking targets. Do not drive around or disturb any locked gate, cable etc. Note: During an event or the use of Association facilities by an authorized group the gate will be locked open with a lock supplied by the event chairperson or person in charge. These persons must also post at the gate the reason the gate is locked open and what facilities are closed to the general Membership use.
Section 9.06 Range Restriction. All shooting will be done on designated ranges, unless hunting.
Section 9.07 Membership Card. While on Association property you must display your Membership card in such a manner that it is easily visible. IF requested, PLEASE show your Membership card and identification. You have the same right to see a Membership card and identification of the person(s) requesting yours. This is your right and theirs. PLEASE, if you do request identification, do it with the utmost respect and courtesy. If there are any problems they are to be brought before the Board of Directors. Please NOTE: A Membership card, hunting or fishing license IS NOT considered identification. Identification is a driver’s license or other form is recognized by law.
Section 9.08 Trash. No Littering or dumping. There will be no use of club dumpsters for personal trash or household garbage.
Section 9.09 Members-Only Activities. Hunting, trapping or fishing on club property is for Members only. See “ARTICLE VI MEMBERSHIP” above.
Section 9.10 Wood. Cutting and removal of wood shall be prohibited unless authorized by the Board of Directors.
Section 9.11 Facility Use. Use of Association facilities are intended for Members. The Board of Directors may allow special interest groups such as the 4-H, law enforcement agencies or outside entities the use of the Association’s facilities upon written request. If deemed necessary by the Board of Directors a fee for the use will be set forth.
Section 9.12 Shooting Time. Shooting times for ranges will follow PA game laws.
Section 9.13 Broad Heads. No broadheads are to be used on the archery range or anywhere else on Association property except for hunting and practice on specifically erected and targets marked “broadhead targets”.
Section 9.14 Legal Targets. Do not place or shoot at anything placed on top of the dirt backs (berms), target boards or target frames at any of the ranges. The only legal targets are: paper, balloons, clay birds, metal targets place by the Association and those targets which can be legally purchased and are recognized by state and national shooting organizations. Targets must be placed in front of berms or safe back stops.
a.) Any Member using a 50 BMG weapon must provide their own steel targets placed safely in front of berm area.
b). Exploding targets, incendiary rounds and tracer rounds are prohibited.
Section 9.15 Club Hours. The club grounds shall be closed to all activities from 11 P.M. thru 4 A.M. except for special written permission from the Board of Directors and where hunters are legally trailing wounded game or legally hunting.
Section 9.16 Camping. Camping is prohibited unless authorized in writing by the Board of Directors. Pre-registration via camping permit is required. Registrant is responsible for any Guests camping. Membership privileges do not extend to non-member campers. Any additional non-member campers must be a registered guest shooter in order to use the club facilities. In the case of event participants, the event sponsor and their insurance is responsible for the actions of campers. Please use designated fire rings for any campfires and make sure that all fires are cold when leaving the area.
Section 9.17 Membership Purchase Opportunity. Persons utilizing club facilities without a valid Membership card on club property shall be offered an opportunity to purchase a Membership and if unwilling to comply shall be considered to be trespassing and the Board of Directors shall take appropriate action. A one-day Guest Shooter program may be enacted with the authorization of the Board of Directors.
Section 9.18 Damage Liability. Any persons damaging or destroying Association facilities or property shall be held liable for replacement or restitution and may be prosecuted.
Section 9.19 Safety Laws. Obey all PA Fish and Game laws and above all, firearms, trapping, boating and archery safety rules.
Section 9.20 Water Facility Use. An adult Member, who can swim, when around the ponds on Association property, MUST accompany all persons under 17 years of age or younger and non-swimmers. There shall be NO “ice fishing”, “ice skating”, “wading” or “swimming” permitted IN or ON the ponds of the Association at any time. The large pond is for fishing for the youngsters up to and including 12 years of age.
Section 9.21 Record Request. Any Member who wishes a copy of or to review any of the minutes, Treasurers' reports or any other documents or information of the Mifflin County Sportsmen's Association, Inc. must present a letter of request to the Board of Directors stating their reason or reasons. The letter must be type written, double-spaced, dated and signed in ink by the requesting party or parties.
Section 9.22 Bylaw Copies. Any member is entitled to a copy of the “By-laws” of this Association. The "By-Laws" are available on the Club Website (www.miflincosportsmens.com).
Section 9.23 Right to Remove. Any member of the Board of Directors has the right to request that any person or persons leave the Association’s property for any violation of the Association’s "By-Laws", any violation of posted rules and regulations of the Association, and any participation in, become a part of or contributes to boisterous, immoral, indecent or disorderly conduct. This includes slanderous comments directed toward any Member of this Association or toward the Association as a whole. The initial request to leave will be for the remainder of that day. Any Member of the Board of Directors has the right to request assistance from the local authorities to have any person or persons removed from Association property if they deem necessary.
Section 9.24 Disciplinary Action. The Board of Directors reserves the right to immediately suspend a Member for violating the posted "Bylaws" of Mifflin County Sportsmen’s Association, Inc., regardless of the number of violations or offenses the Member has committed if in the Board of Directors reasonable discretion such misconduct necessitates the immediate termination for benefit of the Association. Any Member of the Board of Directors has the right to request that any person or persons leave the Association’s property for: • Any violation of the Association’s "By-Laws".
• Any violation of posted rules and regulations of the Association.
• Any participation in, become a part of or contributes to boisterous, immoral, indecent or disorderly conduct.
Any Member violating any of the rules of the Mifflin County Sportsmen’s Association, Inc. here-in set forth shall be requested to attend a special Board of Directors meeting to address the violation(s) in question. The Board of Directors has the right to set forth any punishment such as, forfeiture of Membership privileges for a specified period of time or denial of Membership, legal proceedings etc. The Board of Directors reserves the right to immediately suspend a Member for violating the posted Rules and By-Laws of Mifflin County Sportsmen's Association, Inc., regardless of the number of violations or offenses the Member has committed if in the Board of Directors reasonable discretion such misconduct necessitates the immediate termination for benefit of the Association. Rulings of the Board of Directors is final.
Section 9.25 Written Correspondence. All written correspondence directed toward the Association, by Members, shall be type written, double-spaced, dated and signed in ink by the author or authors.
Section 9.26 Language Requirement. Mifflin County Sportsmen’s Association, Inc. is supportive of people from all backgrounds, but due to resource limitations, all safety warnings written or spoken by Mifflin County Sportsmen’s Association, Inc. will be given in English. If a Member or potential Member cannot read or fluently communicate in English, they will be required to have an adult translator (age of 16 or order) with them at all times when utilizing any Association facilities. Failure to comply with the requirements of this provision is considered a rule violation subject to disciplinary action under "Article II – Rules and Regulations Section 9.24."
Section 9.27 Any issues not addressed by MCSA by-laws shall be referred to Robert's Rules of Order for resolution.
Revised 12/2022