Members are always welcome to bring a guest. Each 18 year old member or older, per membership, may bring one (1) guest per day visit for a fee of $25 per guest. When a M.C.S.A. Member is sponsoring a Guest Shooter, that Member is totally responsible for the actions of their sponsored Guest Shooter. This is ONLY for shooting on ranges, hunting is NOT permitted.
Any violation committed by any Guest Shooter of the By-Laws, Regulations or Range Safety Rules will result in punishment of the sponsoring M.C.S.A. Member.
Sponsoring M.C.S.A. Members must be with the Guest Shooter always and must be able to maintain normal conversation distance of their Guest when shooting.
The M.C.S.A. Member MUST stop at the Club House, fill out the required envelope and deposit fees before going to any ranges.
The sponsored Guest Shooter MUST have the required Gold pass from the filled-out envelope on their person at all times when on Club property. If your Guest is checked for said pass, and cannot present it when asked, it is required that you pack up your gear and accompany the Range Officer or Director to the Mailbox while proof of payment is obtained. If it is discovered that no Guest pass was obtained, your Guest will have the option of purchasing full price Membership and you may face disciplinary measures regarding your own membership.
Abuse of this program will result in termination of the program!
Mifflin County Sportsmen’s Association General Rules
1. SAFETY & Courtesy first!
2. Current membership cards must be displayed with number visible while using the premises.
a) Membership runs from January 1st to December 31st.
b) Only members may use these ranges except for special events
with board approval.
3. Do not share the gate code. Do not force the gate. Do not piggy-back another vehicle through the gate.
4. All junior members must be under the direct supervision of a
parent or an adult.
a) Rifle, pistol, trap, five stand and shotgun pattern range.
Weekdays and Saturdays: One half hour before Sunrise to one half hour after Sunset. SUNDAYS: 1:00 PM to one half hour after SUNSET
c) Archery: Daily: Sunrise to Sunset.
6. Board of directors must approve all organized shoots.
7. Worn side arms must comply with Pennsylvania State Law.
8. Speed limit on club grounds is 10MPH as this is for the safety of all members.
9. Park vehicles in parking lot and designated areas.
10. Destruction or mutilation of club property shall be cause for appearance of the Board of Directors for disciplinary action, which may also be cause for arrest and prosecution. Violators will be responsible to pay for damages.
11. Any violation of club rules may be sufficient cause for disciplinary action and or arrest and prosecution.
12. Please keep grounds clean.
13. No alcoholic beverages are permitted on ranges and parking areas.